About Me!

Zen Huzaini
Hi What’s up?
My name is Zen. Since a little kid I’ve been loving to watch the morning and the afternoon sky for hours in a vast open field next to my grandmother’s house – wondering if I could find some interesting shapes of clouds. Of course I love to watch the night sky too, it is my favorite! Especially if I could find a shooting star.
I love to walk in the mountain, cycling in the quite and peaceful road surrounded by forest or to a hill where I can see all the beauty of god’s creation from the top, and being lost in nowhere where I can feel the real of adventure – and finally feel that I am one with the nature. So probably I was born to be a traveler or something … I mean, living a live away from the city and start to live in a forest like Tarzan will be the best ideal way of life for me ? – oh, I don’t know, I guess it is kinda hard nowadays, eh ?
Who am I Really ?
People say I am a nice person, having a nice and bright smile, and apologize a lot – even I will apologize for breathing!. I come from a beautiful country full of fantastic and excotic island filled with amazing – yet sometimes dangerous creature, nice people and mesmerizing nature, Indonesia. Recently, I’ve been trapped happily here in Poland. Don’t ask why I stay here. Fate brings me here. Got a scholarship for my master, fell in love with the country, and found a real love who loves me for I am – for the first time 😊.
In the morning I work as a Software Engineer – both in Backend and Frontend. Guess you know, I made this web also 😋 .. In my spare time I usually go somewhere cycling – yeah, cycling far away from the city where I live and feel the breezing wind blows my face and hear the sound of little birds singing along the foresty road. The story changes when the winter hits – I’d be just stay at home, watching Netflix, taking care of this blog and youtube channel and playing moba games.
I had some blogs in the past, but those all are gone already – argh, I should have just continued in one of those.. It must be famous by now lol. The purpose of this blog is actually – to share my experience of being here and there, and probably a little of a chit chat of mine of undergoing this sometimes miserable life. I mean, this is supposed to be just a small reminder, diary or a well-written history for me. But you know, this experience can probably be helpful for someone out there. I don’t expect people to read – yeah nowadays people love watching Youtube – I guess :p – you can also subscribe my youtube channel :D
So it is all about me, I cannot wait to share you the story of me life 😁.